Wojciech Stefaniec
- born 1980
- born in Słupsk
- he lives and creates his works in Słupsk
- he specializes in comics, illustrations and posters
“When we are born, we are closer to death. That is why it is worth living”.
A graduate of art education at the Pomeranian University in Słupsk, where he had an individual exhibition in 2018. He has also taken part in group comics exhibitions, including in Strasbourg or Naples.
The most important publications: “Szanowny” (art), story by B. Sztybor, Timof and Cisi Wspólnicy, 2008; “Szelki” (art), story by J. Szyłak, Timof i Cisi Wspólnicy, 2011; “Ludzie, którzy nie brudzą sobie rąk” (art and story), Timof i Cisi Wspólnicy, 2013; “Noir” (art), story by W. Stefaniec, Ł. Bogacz, Timof i Cisi Wspólnicy, 2013; “Wróć do mnie, jeszcze raz” (art), story by B. Sztybor, Timof i Cisi Wspólnicy, 2015; “Stolp” (art), story by D. Odija, Wydawnictwo Komiksowe, 2017.
The most important awards and distinctions: “Brązowa Chimera” for the cover of “Głos Pomorza”, Warsaw, 2009; the 3rd place in the Regional Journals category in the competition of the Press Publishers Chamber for the Press Cover of the Year “GrandFront” 2011 for the cover of “Głos Pomorza”, Warsaw, 2011; award of the Polish Comics Association for the Best Artist of the Year category, Warsaw, 2011; award of the Polish Comics Association at the International Book Fair in Warsaw in the Best Album of 2013 category, Warsaw, 2014.
The expression which suits Wojciech Stefaniec’s works best is changeability. His style is constantly evolving, as the artists is continuously seeking a new formula for comics, juggling styles, conventions, and techniques. He feels equally well creating works digitally and traditionally, using acrylic paint or ink and pencil on paper.
His works include both expressive black and white images, with fluid borderlines between characters and the background, and painterly strong spots of colour. Regardless from the adopted style, a great role in Stefaniec’s works is played by, apart from realism, dreamlike and psychedelic visions. Despite the appearances of faithful presentation of reality, his drawings are full of implicit statements and they always suggest more than they show. The conventions used the most frequently by Stefaniec include horror, criminal noir, or psychological drama. He chooses the genres which enable him to show various human emotions, behaviours, and motives, regardless from the place and time.
Stefaniec also experiments with the comics composition; even in a single comic separate pages can differ in the size of panels or panel layout on a page. What is characteristic of the artist is also double splash, a graphic solution which consists in two whole pages making a single image.
Wojciech Stefaniec Gallery

More information about the artist: ws-stefaniec.blogspot.in
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