Rafał Szczepaniak
- Born 1981
- Born in Kutno
- Lives and works in Warsaw
- Specializes in drawing and animation, invents adverts
“For me drawing is a form of travelling – I am having fun going to places I have never been to.”
He describes his style as dirty and naïve. He combines analogue and digital techniques. He is inspired by mistakes and mess. He studied at Academy of Fine Arts in Poznań (now Artistic University) Applied Graphics Department. He draws, makes animations and invents advertisements.
He has been working with many Polish press titles including “Newsweek Polska”, “Playboy”, “Rzeczpospolita”, “Wysokie Obcasy”, “Duży Format”, “Witaj w Podróży”, “Podróże”, “Przekrój”, “Machina”, “Exclusive”, “A4”, “Puls Biznesu”, “Media i Marketing”, “Dosdedos”, “MaleMen” and “My Company”. His international work included: “Print”, “Page”, “Novum” and “Creative Review”. He has won many awards including a prize for the competition organized by Klub Twórców Reklamy (KTR) in categories of press illustration and design and International Press Design Competition “Chimera” in Portfolio category. He took part in “Illustrative” exhibition in Berlin in 2013 and had opportunity to present his works in galleries such as Zachęta, CSW Zamek Ujazdowski and BWA in Wrocław.
Rafał Szczepaniak Gallery

More information about the artist: artrafal.com
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