© Piotr Socha
© Piotr Socha | Calendar cover for GPD Advertising Agency | Poland | 2012

Piotr Socha

  • Born 1966
  • Born in Warsaw
  • Lives and works in Warsaw
  • Specializes in press and book illustration and graphic design

“Drawing (and cooking) has always been my favourite job. But only in drawing I am creative while in cooking I only use somebody’s ideas. If I were not a draftsman, I would be a cook.”

Socha is a renowned draftsman, designer and one of the most popular Polish press illustrators. His works characterize themselves with distance and sense of humour. He graduated from Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw Graphic Department in the studio of book illustration of Prof. Janusz Stanny. In 2015 in a publishing house, Dwie Siostry he issued his first author’s children book, “Pszczoły” (Bees).

His press illustrations were published in “Gazeta Wyborcza”, “Polityka”, “Newsweek Polska”, “Przekrój”, “Playboy”, “Wysokie Obcasy”, “Harvard Business Review Polska”, “Machina” and many others. Between years 1996 – 2001 he was a head graphic in “Machina” monthly. He was awarded in Golden Eagle advertisement competition in category of Media Promotion for new design of Program 1 of Polish national television TVP (with a graphic studio Platige Image) and in the same competition he was awarded for Artistic Director of the Year. He won the first prize for illustration of Cracow legends competition announced by The Wawel Royal Castle. Additionally, he designs board games, books, audiobooks and logotypes.

Piotr Socha Gallery

© Piotr Socha | An illustration for a text on taxes | NEWSWEEK weekly | Poland | 2016
© Piotr Socha | An illustration for a text on taxes | NEWSWEEK weekly | Poland | 2016
© Piotr Socha | An illustration for a text on relations of corporations’ employees | HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW POLSKA Magazine | Poland | 2014
© Piotr Socha | An illustration for a text on relations of corporations’ employees | HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW POLSKA Magazine | Poland | 2014
© Piotr Socha | An illustration for a text on mining industry | NEWSWEEK weekly | Poland | 2015
© Piotr Socha | An illustration for a text on mining industry | NEWSWEEK weekly | Poland | 2015
© Piotr Socha | Paleo Diet | PALCE LIZAĆ Magazine | Poland | 2012/13
© Piotr Socha | Paleo Diet | PALCE LIZAĆ Magazine | Poland | 2012/13
© Piotr Socha | An illustration for a text on Education | POLITYKA weekly | Poland | Around 2013
© Piotr Socha | An illustration for a text on Education | POLITYKA weekly | Poland | Around 2013
© Piotr Socha | POLITYKA weekly | Poland | Around 2012
© Piotr Socha | POLITYKA weekly | Poland | Around 2012
© Piotr Socha | Barbecuing | PALCE LIZAĆ Magazine | Poland | About 2012
© Piotr Socha | Barbecuing | PALCE LIZAĆ Magazine | Poland | About 2012

More information about the artist: piotrsocha.pl

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To download eBooks from other artists, visit their artist portfolio pages.
At the bottom of each page you will find links to download eBooks and all {slow} magazines illustrated with the works of the best Polish illustrators.

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