Paweł Jońca
- Born 1968
- Born in Warsaw
- Works and lives in Warsaw
- Specializes in illustration
“I work fastest in the mornings. Then I can do in 15 minutes what would have taken me 3 hours the night before. I know that, but still I do most of my work I in the evenings. I like solitude while working.”
(From an interview for
Paweł Jońca started off as an architect. He did not continue his career in the profession, but he owes his precision and accuracy of drawing to his architectural skills. It also gives him awareness of the results of his artistic choices. His drawings are constructed from the simplest forms of expression, thus gaining a minimalistic character.
His work has been published in the following Polish periodicals: “Architektura”, “Murator”, “Duży Format”, “MaleMen”, “Media & Marketing Polska”, “Newsweek Polska”, “Przekrój”, “Sukces”, “Wprost”, “Wysokie Obcasy Extra”, “Zwierciadło” and “Znak”. His international work includes: “Technologist Magazine”, “The Oprah Magazine”, “New Scientist”, “The Hollywood Reporter” and “Die Zeit”. He has won many awards, including two in 2016 for a competition organized by the Klub Twórców Reklamy (KTR) where he won gold for the advert illustration category and silver for press illustration. In 2004, 2005 and 2009, he gained honourable mentions in Chimera in the press design category portfolio. He has also exhibited his work at home and abroad.
Paweł Jońca Gallery

More information about the artist:
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