Ola Płocińska
- Born 1985
- Born in Kalisz
- Lives and works in Poznań
- Specializes in illustration, design books and posters for children
“I mainly work with plane and colour, which is essential in my
illustrations. I try not to overload my illustrations – they are rather sparse in form and funny in matter.”
She graduated from Artistic University in Poznań Graphics Department in the studio of Ph.D. Lucyna Talejko-Kwiatkowska. She specializes in visual communication. Presently she works as a Tutorial Assistant in Package Design Studio of the University. The main fields of her artistic proceedings are illustration, poster for children and book design. She creates her drawings mostly with use of a tablet in bitmap software.
Works of Aleksandra Płocińska were published in “Exklusive” Magazine, “Wysokie Obcasy”, “Architektura Murator”, “Cwiszn”, “GaGa” Magazine, “Media & Marketing”, “Przekrój” and also an internet portal HelloZdrowie.pl. She has won many awards including Applied Graphics Artists Association’s mention for Design of the Year 2013 for a series of illustration for “Wysokie Obcasy” Magazine. She also won a prize from Polish Book Publishers Association for the Most Beautiful Book 2009 for her design of “Mrówka wychodzi za mąż”. She created many author’s children publications. She collaborates permanently with Pinokio Theatre in Łódź. She loves to draw food and piglets.
Ola Płocińska Gallery
More information about the artist: olaplocinska.com
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