Maciej Szymanowicz
- Born 1976
- Born in Białystok
- Lives and works in Warsaw
- Specializes in illustration
“I feel the deepest joy when I like what I draw (it is not a rule). But I also feel joy when I do not like anymore something I drew and I used to like – because it means the stakes go up. I am always happy when others like something I drew.”
He is a graduate from Aleksander Zelwerowicz’s Theatre Academy in Białystok. He won his diploma there under tutelage of Ph.D. Marek Waszkiel. His first published works in form of postcards were issued by Ilustris publishing house. As he admits himself, there is a child’s world in his drawing, even if he did not want it. He mainly uses computer to create his art but he more and more tends to use paints, crayons and pencils.
He worked with “Życie”, “Wprost”, “Polska The Times”, “Mamy” magazine and “MiniMini+” (e-magazine). He also makes book illustrations and he was many times awarded in this field including for the illustrations he created for Renata Piątkowska’s book, “Wszystkie moje mamy”. He won a Literary Prize of Capitol City Warsaw in 2011 for illustrations for “Asiunia”, a book by Joanna Papuzińska.
Maciej Szymanowicz Gallery

More information about the artist:
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