Krzysztof Wyrzykowski
- born 1975
- born in Bydgoszcz
- he lives and creates his works in Gdańsk
- he specializes in comics, illustrations and painting
“When you look at comics pages, please remember that they are only a part of a greater whole, which is also a result of the work done by the author of the story; the images are mainly supposed to depict with colour the story described in the script”.
In 2003, he graduated from the Faculty of Graphic Arts at the Academy of Fine Arts in Gdańsk. Apart from his individual exhibition in Warsaw, he has taken part in many group exhibitions, mainly abroad, e.g. in Belgium, Portugal, Greece or Italy.
The most important publications: “Westerplatte. Załoga Śmierci” (art), story by M. Wójtowicz-Podhorski, Milton Media, 2004; “Korfanty”, story by S. Zajączkowski, Ars Cameralis Silesiae, Superioris, 2010; “Wyzwolenie? 1945” (art), story by S. Zajączkowski, IPN Warszawa, 2010; “Wilcze Tropy” series (art), story by S. Zajączkowski; “Zygmut”, “Orlik”, “Młot”, “Zapora”, “Żelazny”, IPN Warszawa, 2011; “Zamach na Kutscherę” (art), story by S. Zajączkowski, IPN Warszawa, 2012; “Akcja pod Arsenałem” (art), story by S. Zajączkowski, IPN Warszawa, 2015; “Komiks i My” magazine: “Idioci”, “Marionetki”, “Ixbunieta” (art), story by S. Zajączkowski, Wydawnictwo “Komiks i My”, 2016; “Idioci” (art and story), Wydawnictwo “Komiks i My”, No. 1, 2016; “Marionetki” (art and story), Wydawnictwo “Komiks i My”, No. 3, 2017; “Ixbunieta” (art), story by S. Zajączkowski, Wydawnictwo “Komiks i My”, No. 4, 2017.
The most important awards and distinctions: the 3rd place at the Concours Européen de Bande Desinée competition, France, 2006.
Krzysztof Wyrzykowski’s works fit into the traditional Polish and European comics current. The realistic style with characteristic precise strokes perfectly depicts historic topics, which are the most important focus of the artist’s comics. What makes Wyrzykowski’s works (sometimes called para-documentaries) stand out is his extreme care about the most faithful depiction of the past reality as well as the topography of the events. His images are created based not only on archive resources and consultations with historians or soldiers but often also on his trips to places where the described events took place and his own observations.
Wyrzykowski uses traditional artistic techniques: he paints covers with acrylic paint on wood, he draws pages with ink on paper and he puts in colour partly by hand and partly digitally.
The artist’s works do not involve experiments with form or composition; however, he has mastered the skill of unravelling the narration using a sequence of images. Owing to changes of planes and fluid transitions between subsequent images, Wyrzykowski’s comics seem to become movie frames which pass in front of the reader’s eyes. Onomatopoeias play an equally important role in his drawings and increase the dynamics of the story.
Krzysztof Wyrzykowski Gallery

More information about the artist: wyrzykowski-comics.blogspot.com
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