© Jerzy Kozień
© Jerzy Kozień | “The Dreamer” | Competition entry | Great Britain | 2014

Jerzy Kozień

  • Born 1973
  • Born in Warsaw
  • Lives and works in Warsaw
  • Specializes in illustration, drawing, poster and painting

“I draw since forever.”

Line and colour play the most important part in Jerzy Kozień’s art. Since 2014, he has been developing his own particular style he called Dekory (Eng. Decors). He combines traditional drawing and painting skills with digital techniques. He graduated from the Graphics Department of the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw and won his diploma as a student of the Book and Illustration Workshop under Professor Janusz Stanny. The main fields of his artistic work are drawing, illustration, posters, painting, and graphics.

He has contributed to the following periodicals: “Playboy”, “Gazeta Wyborcza”, “Ogrody”, “Metro Daily”, “Filipinka”, “Wysokie Obcasy Extra”, “Shape”, “Zwierciadło”, “Przekrój”, “Sukces”, Wprost”, “Jestem”, “Zdrowie”, “Podróże”, “Żagle”, “Businessman Magazine”, “Świerszczyk”, “Twist monthly” and “Super Linia’. In his portfolio he also has created work for the following publishers: Wydawnictwo Literackie, Wydawnictwa Szkolne i Pedagogiczne, Wydawnictwo Wilga and the media holding, Novimedia/Zwierciadło group. He was a prizewinner at the Polski Konkurs Reklamy KTR2008 for his illustration for “Playboy”. He was also awarded at the Cheltenham Illustration Awards 2014 for his illustration “The Dreamer” which was also published in the competition album.

Jerzy Kozień Gallery

© Jerzy Kozień | “How not to eat up problems” | GAZETA WYBORCZA daily (“Better life. Psychological guide” supplement) | Poland | December 2009
© Jerzy Kozień | “How not to eat up problems” | GAZETA WYBORCZA daily (“Better life. Psychological guide” supplement) | Poland | December 2009
© Jerzy Kozień | “Velcro Woman” | PLAYBOY Magazine | Poland | May 2009
© Jerzy Kozień | “Velcro Woman” | PLAYBOY Magazine | Poland | May 2009
© Jerzy Kozień | “Patchwork Wallet” | PLAYBOY Magazine | Poland | December 2007
© Jerzy Kozień | “Patchwork Wallet” | PLAYBOY Magazine | Poland | December 2007
© Jerzy Kozień | “Tower Bridge” | Competition entry poster “London Places and Spaces” | Great Britain | 2014
© Jerzy Kozień | “Tower Bridge” | Competition entry poster “London Places and Spaces” | Great Britain | 2014
© Jerzy Kozień | “The Sound of Thunder” | Competition entry poster “Sounds of the City” | Great Britain | 2016
© Jerzy Kozień | “The Sound of Thunder” | Competition entry poster “Sounds of the City” | Great Britain | 2016

More information about the artist: jerzykozien.carbonmade.com

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