© Bartłomiej Kociemba
© Bartłomiej Kociemba | „“Marriage Equality” | Illustration for poster promoting a documentary film “Article Eighteen” | Denmark/Poland | November 2015

Bartłomiej Kociemba

  • Nickname Arobal
  • Born 1984
  • Born in Szczecin
  • Lives and works in Copenhagen (Denmark)
  • Specializes in drawing and illustration

“The most important thing in my art is to restore beauty to the people and sense of harmony between oneself and the world. My style is not a result of calculation nor following a trend in illustration, but manifestation of my hand’s movements and what feelings accompanied me in an act of creation.”

Bartomiej Kociemba Arobal is a self-educated artist. He studied Political Sciences and Philosophy, but the most important source of his education is Buddhism and Shambali teachings. Arobal’s illustrations are created with use of crayons, pencil, paper and also paper-cuts. He attaches much meaning to details, colours, senses and emotions. The main themes of his work are people and plants. He started with simple drawings published in the form of an internet diary and then, working for the press, he developed his skills working with writers’ texts and materials delivered by the editors. Thus, from colourful portraits emerged more abstract forms depicting situations and characters. Today, Arobal’s art is characterised by the use of drawing with a wavy, refined line and a tasteful composition of forms and shapes, often with use of paper-cut technique.

He has contributed to magazines such as “Architektura”, “Bluszcz”, “Dik”, “Fagazine”, “Duży Format”, “Elle”, “Harper’s Bazaar”, “Kukbuk”, “MaleMen”, “Pani”, “Przekrój”, “Twój Styl”, “Wprost” and “Znak”. He designs music album covers, illustrates books and also provides posters for the Teatr Dramatyczny in Warsaw. He has been a participant at many exhibitions at home and abroad.

Bartłomiej Kociemba Gallery

© Bartłomiej Kociemba | “Papusza” | Cover illustration of FILM PRO Magazine issue 2 (10) | Poland | July 2012
© Bartłomiej Kociemba | “Papusza” | Cover illustration of FILM PRO Magazine issue 2 (10) | Poland | July 2012
© Bartłomiej Kociemba | “Fault-Finders” | Discussion on the condition of Polish criticism | EXCLUSIVE Magazine | Poland | May 2012
© Bartłomiej Kociemba | “Fault-Finders” | Discussion on the condition of Polish criticism | EXCLUSIVE Magazine | Poland | May 2012
© Bartłomiej Kociemba | “A Millionaire from the Street” | PANI Magazine | Poland | December 2009
© Bartłomiej Kociemba | “A Millionaire from the Street” | PANI Magazine | Poland | December 2009
© Bartłomiej Kociemba | "Debt" | Illustration for an exhibition on a debt of humanity towards nature | Poland | June 2012
© Bartłomiej Kociemba | “Debt” | Illustration for an exhibition on a debt of humanity towards nature | Poland | June 2012
© Bartłomiej Kociemba | “Alice” | Illustration commemorating 150th anniversary of “Alice in the Wonderland” | HARPER’S BAZAAR Magazine | Poland | May 2015
© Bartłomiej Kociemba | “Alice” | Illustration commemorating 150th anniversary of “Alice in the Wonderland” | HARPER’S BAZAAR Magazine | Poland | May 2015
© Bartłomiej Kociemba | “Rinascimento Contemporaneo” | Illustration to a text on Gucc-Alessandro Michelle | UNPOLISHED Magazine | Great Britain, France, Poland | 2016
© Bartłomiej Kociemba | “Rinascimento Contemporaneo” | Illustration to a text on Gucc-Alessandro Michelle | UNPOLISHED Magazine | Great Britain, France, Poland | 2016

More information about the artist: arobal.com

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