© Aga Pietrzykowska
© Aga Pietrzykowska | “A Whisper in the Crowd” | {SLOW} Magazine issue 3 | Poland | 2012

Aga Pietrzykowska

  • Born 1978
  • Born in Poland
  • Lives and works in Poland
  • Specializes in illustration and painting

“Every day I try to make little discoveries. Some are important, others are steps to these most important. The most important one is to search and build ones artistic self.”

She is an interdisciplinary artist – illustrator, painter, graphic. Her unconstrained, lapidary style of drawing inspired by primitivisms’ art, some Surrealists’ but also children art, reveals humorous and ironic life affirmation with its every-day elements. Coexistence of haptic elements with glaze-spilling colour plane enriching a complex composition structure is one of the most valued features in her art. Ostensibly, the artistic elements often seem to be disconnected with each other.

She graduated from Warsaw Academy of Fine Arts with honours finishing Graphic Department in Illustration studio of Prof. Zygmunt Januszewski. She also graduated from Foreign Relations at Philology Department of Warsaw University. She has contributed to “Polityka”, {slow}, “KukbukK”, “Bluszcz”, “Lounge Magazine” or French “Clam Magazine”. She exhibits her works in galleries and museums home and abroad. She was on a shortlist of IV International Art Fair “ARTVILNUS’13” in Vilnius in category of Best Foreign Artist. She also collaborated with Foundation of Polish Designers, she supported artistically TVN24, Art Centre FORT Sokolnickiego and SAS Institute. She established an art group “Cztery Kreski” and “Studio Pe”.

Aga Pietrzykowska Gallery

© Aga Pietrzykowska | “Breakfast, Dinner, Supper” | KUKBUK Magazine issue 22 | Poland | 2016
© Aga Pietrzykowska | “Breakfast, Dinner, Supper” | KUKBUK Magazine issue 22 | Poland | 2016
© Aga Pietrzykowska | “Little Legible Society” | {SLOW} Magazine issue 3 | Poland | 2012
© Aga Pietrzykowska | “Little Legible Society” | {SLOW} Magazine issue 3 | Poland | 2012
© Aga Pietrzykowska | “A Gift” | Own work | Poland | 2015
© Aga Pietrzykowska | “A Gift” | Own work | Poland | 2015
© Aga Pietrzykowska | “Eye Gastronomy” | BLUSZCZ Magazine issue 5 | Poland | 2011
© Aga Pietrzykowska | “Eye Gastronomy” | BLUSZCZ Magazine issue 5 | Poland | 2011
© Aga Pietrzykowska | “Destination” | CLAM Magazine | 2014
© Aga Pietrzykowska | “Destination” | CLAM Magazine | 2014

More information about the artist: agapietrzykowska.com

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