© Piotr Arendzikowski
© Piotr Arendzikowski | The Battle of Hodów | “Atmoshperic sketch, loose brush strokes emphasise chaos of a battlefield”. | Picture commissioned by Red is Bad clothing company. | 2016

Piotr Arendzikowski

  • born 1987
  • born in Warsaw
  • lives and works in Warsaw
  • specializes in historical visual realisations on the verge of fantasy

“Every time I start painting I try to realize how little I know. This knowledge helps me to go on, not only in painting”.

Although he likes experimenting, he is attracted to traditional oil painting. Besides, apart from raw nature unblemished by human activities, the XVIII, XIX, XX centuries painting is a foundation of his inspiration. He adores using strong, vivid brush strokes to expose light and mass. He uses large, simple and suggestive shapes, softened colour palette and dynamic, clear composition. He uses understatements to leave viewer free field of interpretation. His artistic activity oscillates on the border of history and fantasy often exposing aspects of Polish History including Polish Hussars motive, military and Slavic mythology. He creates mostly on computer.

He graduated from Land Management at Department of Surveying and Mapping of Warsaw Technical University. He worked with many companies including Platige Image, Cryptozoic, Sony Online Entertainment, Fantasy Flight Games, CIGames, ORKA Studio, Arrinera Automotive or Paizo Publishing. His works were presented during Polska Grafika Cyfrowa 2014 exhibition and also during a charity exhibition and auction Dobre Piksele in 2016. He took part in making a game “Sniper: Ghost Warrior 2”, and also a game trailer “The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt” and “Polish Legends” cycle.

Piotr Arendzikowski Gallery

© Piotr Arendzikowski | Baba Yaga | Experiments with mood and light. | From the author’s initiative. | 2017
© Piotr Arendzikowski | Baba Yaga | Experiments with mood and light. | From the author’s initiative. | 2017
© Piotr Arendzikowski | Battle 1683 | The work inspired by art of Józef Brandt. | Commissioned by Red is Bad clothing company. | 2016
© Piotr Arendzikowski | Battle 1683 | The work inspired by art of Józef Brandt. | Commissioned by Red is Bad clothing company. | 2016
© Piotr Arendzikowski | Polish Hussars Charge | From the author’s initiative. | It is the first picture from Polish Hussars theme series. | 2014
© Piotr Arendzikowski | Polish Hussars Charge | From the author’s initiative. | It is the first picture from Polish Hussars theme series. | 2014
© Piotr Arendzikowski | Zawisza the Black | A picture from The Warriors’ Faces cycle. | Commissioned by Red is Bad clothing company | 2014
© Piotr Arendzikowski | Zawisza the Black | A picture from The Warriors’ Faces cycle. | Commissioned by Red is Bad clothing company | 2014
© Piotr Arendzikowski | Insurgent | A picture from The Warriors’ Faces cycle. | Commissioned by Red is Bad clothing company. | 2015
© Piotr Arendzikowski | Insurgent | A picture from The Warriors’ Faces cycle. | Commissioned by Red is Bad clothing company. | 2015
© Piotr Arendzikowski | To War | From the author’s initiative. | Presents Polish Hussars going to war. | 2015
© Piotr Arendzikowski | To War | From the author’s initiative. | Presents Polish Hussars going to war. | 2015

More information about the atrist: arendzikowski.com

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